TSSG Therapies – Hobbies and Interests
To engage in hobbies and interests which are stimulating, and which keep body and soul occupied is essential to our well-being. Obviously in post stroke, priority is rehabilitation which initially is attendance at rehabilitation centres. But when this ends, it is essential that exercise in some form or another continues. This can be by:
- Continuing rehabilitation exercises taught in the centre – this can be done on the bed before getting up in the mornings. Research shows that people who make exercise a priority first thing in the day are more likely to stick with it! (Not my words)
- Continuing to keep appointments with the rehabilitation doctor
- Walking outside each day as much as possible

- Making appointments with a private physiotherapist/or personal trainer
- Using toning beds. This is passive exercise but can be pro-active too, with a good manager, and stimulating
- Being in a hot pool – Thalasia – at San Pedro Del Pintar. Physiotherapy can be obtained there too
- Exercising to music may help – speak to one of us about this
- It is also important to have some other occupation for relaxation and interest. Here are some ideas:
- Speech therapy in small groups – speak to Rachel about this
- Attend relaxation groups for Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.
- Hobbies for carers and stroke survivors

- Gardening using raised grow bags, pots or tubs – from a chair or a wheelchair
- Computer clubs, i.e., San Fulgencia on Wednesdays at 11.00 am
- Craft groups – numerous
- Sorting photographs into family histories or themes, using easy fix albums, ie, each grandchild growing up, each area lived in, holidays, life history
- Painting groups/classes/solo can be a very therapeutic occupation. No one is expert and the left hand can be used with practice

- Sewing groups. There is one in Benimar I believe
- Keep fit/aerobics/gyms – numerous
- Scottish country dancing/salsa dancing/flamenco dancing
- Health eating clubs/slimming clubs – numerous
- Ladies´ groups – numerous
Louie Killeen. January 2008.